En. Roslan Mahali mewakili JPTNS menyampaikan cenderakenagan kepada penyampai kertas kerja.
Penulis buku klasik 'Asas Sains Tanah'
Ongkosing, J., Mahali, R. and Malangkig, E.
Soil Resource Research & Management Unit
Department of Agriculture, Sabah.
The objectives of this soil survey are: (a) to identify and determine soil types and their distribution in the area, (b) to determine and evaluate the soil suitability of the area for food crops production. The state government has encouraged the participation of smallholders and private sectors to produce adequate supply of food crops for local and foreign markets (food crops for substitute import). To achieve this target, government has identified several areas in the state to be developed as a permanent park for food production. In the field, the traverse lines were made at 100 meter apart and a soil observation was made at every 100 meter on the traverse line. This gives an intensity of one observation point per hectare. At each point, auger is used to observe and record the soil characteristics to a depth of 125 cm. Soil pit was dug to make more detailed observation on soil morphologies to the most representative site. Soil samples of each horizon was collected for laboratory analysis for the purpose of soil classification. The soils have been described according to FAO Field Legend (1988) as soil units and soil families of DoA Sabah System (Acres, 1975). The base line has been enlarged from 1:50,000 sheet map 5/116/5 to 1:10,000. The Mandalipau Permanent Food Production Park has an area of approximately 515 ha. It has 5 types of landform; Narrow and broad valleys floors with alluvium and colluvium parent materials; the undulating, rolling to hilly, steep and very steep to extremely steep landform derived from sandstone, mudstone and shale. The soil units are classified as Orthic Acrisols, Dystric Histosols, Dystric Fluvisol, Dystric Gleysols, Dystric Cambisols and Gleyic Acrisols according to FAO System. Climatically, the area is favourable for agricultural activities within the range of desired rainfall more than 2000 mm per annum evenly distributed and no indication of any dry month. Some soils would be considered unsuitable by most standards yet high yields can be obtained with fertilizer if rainfall is ideal with quality planting materials and proper conservation management.
Keywords: Soil Survey; soil suitability; Tanjung Lipat Family; FAO Soil Classification
Ongkosing, J., Mahali, R. and Malangkig, E.
Soil Resource Research & Management Unit
Department of Agriculture, Sabah.
The objectives of this soil survey are: (a) to identify and determine soil types and their distribution in the area, (b) to determine and evaluate the soil suitability of the area for food crops production. The state government has encouraged the participation of smallholders and private sectors to produce adequate supply of food crops for local and foreign markets (food crops for substitute import). To achieve this target, government has identified several areas in the state to be developed as a permanent park for food production. In the field, the traverse lines were made at 100 meter apart and a soil observation was made at every 100 meter on the traverse line. This gives an intensity of one observation point per hectare. At each point, auger is used to observe and record the soil characteristics to a depth of 125 cm. Soil pit was dug to make more detailed observation on soil morphologies to the most representative site. Soil samples of each horizon was collected for laboratory analysis for the purpose of soil classification. The soils have been described according to FAO Field Legend (1988) as soil units and soil families of DoA Sabah System (Acres, 1975). The base line has been enlarged from 1:50,000 sheet map 5/116/5 to 1:10,000. The Mandalipau Permanent Food Production Park has an area of approximately 515 ha. It has 5 types of landform; Narrow and broad valleys floors with alluvium and colluvium parent materials; the undulating, rolling to hilly, steep and very steep to extremely steep landform derived from sandstone, mudstone and shale. The soil units are classified as Orthic Acrisols, Dystric Histosols, Dystric Fluvisol, Dystric Gleysols, Dystric Cambisols and Gleyic Acrisols according to FAO System. Climatically, the area is favourable for agricultural activities within the range of desired rainfall more than 2000 mm per annum evenly distributed and no indication of any dry month. Some soils would be considered unsuitable by most standards yet high yields can be obtained with fertilizer if rainfall is ideal with quality planting materials and proper conservation management.
Keywords: Soil Survey; soil suitability; Tanjung Lipat Family; FAO Soil Classification
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