
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Points of View
Agriculture in 2020
In less than a generation, agriculture and rural livelihoods will be transformed by significant changes. Populations will continue to grow; the movement of people to urban centres will accelerate unless off-farm rural employment is made available; climate change will increasingly bring uncertainty; water availability will become more precarious; the impact of HIV-AIDS will affect labour-availability and management in agriculture; new technologies, including (perhaps especially) genetic modification, will play an increasing role in postponing crop failure and food shortage.
This edition of Points of View largely reflects the opinions of an international gathering of scientists and non-scientists invited by the John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK in April to speak and participate in a meeting: Global Agriculture 2020. The John Innes Centre is internationally renowned for its work on the genetic modification of plants and debate on this aspect of agriculture predominated; however, it was linked to population growth, climate change and the need and potential for developing agro industries.
The final two quotations are from Redesigning Life, featured in 'In Print'.
For a number of reasons agriculture world-wide faces huge challenges in the coming decades. They are pretty well known: two to three billion additional mouths to feed, shrinking supply of prime agricultural land, big issues about water availability and quality. And of course not only the issue of producing enough but also producing enough food on a sustainable basis. In addition, it's clear that agricultural economics are difficult at the moment. And so we wanted to look at possibilities for diversification of land use in terms of growing non-food crops for novel industrial purposes. So those are the sorts of challenges.
Dr Chris Lamb, Director, John Innes Centre, Norwich
I think we have a very big challenge in front of us. We have to produce 50% more food by 2020. So this is a big challenge. What I personally feel is that we can handle it provided there's enough support of agriculture, and we are allowed to use the latest technologies. I am very concerned about the anti-science people who discourage the research on genetic modification, I think that's very good technology and we should be allowed to use it. I think it's very important to have proper controls and proper regulatory agencies so that the food safety aspects are examined and tested before any genetic material goes out.
I think the very important thrust is to increase more food but at the same time the food should be more nutritious. So we are trying to incorporate the micro-nutrients like iron which is deficient in rice, and vitamin A, which does not occur in rice. So if we can produce these rice varieties with higher levels of iron and zinc and the presence of vitamins that will solve a lot of the nutritional problems.
Dr. G Khush, IRRI
Remember that in Africa we are in a situation whereby the population increase is about 3.5% and the food production is about 2.5%. The land is decreasing. We have got low technology applications and these are I think some of the issues that we would like to address and see what technologies can be of use, or what can the developing countries come up with. Let's make the correct choice of the technologies, let's make the correct applications and strengthen the necessary infrastructure
The Green Revolution came, Africa was left behind for reasons that I can't really know. And now we cannot afford to be left behind. We must go along with the rest. Let us plan as we go. Technology should not be divided. It should be technology for everybody and let the people decide. Now if we go along and find that this is technology that can be useful let's adopt it and that's my view.
Dr. Samuel Wakhusama , ISAAA, Kenya
The picture of climate change for Africa is mixed. There are indications that weather may become drier in Africa north of the equator and south of the equator. But in equatorial regions it may become more moist. So in a sense the already humid equatorial parts of Africa may get wetter with intensified rainfall. And the drier parts of Africa, from let's say West Africa through Ethiopia northwards and southern Africa may both become drier. So there are different strategies that we need to think of in those two regions.
For example, we need to think of increasing our efficiency in the use of water in areas where climate may become drier. Now that is not necessarily a bad thing because we are wanting increased water use efficiency now. So, if we can develop crops that use water more efficiently, if we can develop management techniques that irrigate at the plant level or the row level rather than the field level as it were, then this helps serve agriculture in drought prone areas now, and at the same time may, what I call drought proof agriculture: increase the resilience of agriculture against drought in the future. So we are serving the near term and the longer term at the same time.
And for the more humid areas, the problem is there of course dealing with increased run off. Possible increases in soil erosion and the possible increase of leaching of materials deeper into the soil and away from the plant layer. And again there are techniques that are well developed in agriculture coping with excess of moisture particularly in equatorial areas.
There are techniques, such as plant breeding in a traditional sense or the use of more modern techniques in plant development, genetic modification and so on which will enable us to breed for climate change. And there's no reason at all why we could not orient plant breeding which has a lot of experience and of course is working now to increase yield and to increase nutritional content of yield, to add the goal of climate change to that plant breeding programme, to breed for climate change. There's no reason at all why through traditional and more modern techniques we can't breed for climate change in this way.
Prof. Martin Parry, Director of Jackson Environment Institute, University of East Anglia
My own personal view is that biotechnology is an option that we must explore like we would explore other technologies and other strategies and I firmly believe that we cannot close our door on that without understanding what it offers and how best to use biotechnology and how best to use other technologies. That's my own opinion.
Rajul Pandya-Lorch, IFPRI
I've heard a lot about the campaigns against genetic modification but it doesn't disturb me at all because, in a country like Uganda where we have acute shortage of food and very many people starving, this new approach promises to increase food in our country. I don't see a problem: the majority of Ugandans will support the approach to increase food in our country. So the campaigns in Europe don't threaten us at all.
Dr. Wilberforce Tushemeriehrewe , NARO, Uganda
Well I think that the genetics of plants are going to be one of the fundamentals for improving crop output, but I think the big question is, are those genetics going to be expressed as genetic modifications, transgenics or as hybrids? If you look at the transgenic market place now it's grown from nowhere in 1995 to a market with a value of about something like 4 to 5 billion US dollars now on the basis of traits that help farmers to grow their crops better. But the big promise of course is genetic modifications that alter the output of the crop in some way and bring more distinct benefits to consumers rather than just to agriculturists and horticulturists. And I think that will open up the market place for GM's.
If we look at countries like Brazil, we believe it is on the edge of accepting GMO's particularly for their 11 million hectare crop of soya beans that they grow and want to provide to world markets. Also countries like India where 60% of the population are still involved with agriculture, and seem to have a very high hunger for GM technologies, to help them to advance their technologies. And we believe that India will be another country within the next 5 years that accepts GM technologies for crops such as cotton and tobacco quite well.
Richard Leech, Wood Mackenzie, UK
I think the problem it seems to me with the way in which the biotech approach is focused at the moment is that it tends to be a focus which is concerned with continuing commodity production let's say, reinforcing monocultural systems, intensive production systems rather than what organic farming is trying to do which is to say, 'Hey look we really need to look at diversity within our cropping systems in order to provide all of the kinds of services that agriculture can supply'.
Having heard the forecasts for global climate change …these are suggesting that the relatively semi-arid areas in subtropical parts of the world are actually going to get drier and so there will be much greater stress on the agricultural system. Now if we think about a monocultural commodity approach does that mean that water has to be brought in, even more water, irrigation for irrigation schemes, water which is already a valuable commodity and it's going to be even more valuable and in scarce supply in the future. Organic systems which depend or which are based on a much wider range of diversity can utilise crops which introduce large amounts of organic matter into the soil. This is already proven to have positive effects in terms of allowing the soil to actually retain more moisture within the structure so that the need for irrigation is indeed less. Also with the diversified system which is adapted to the local conditions then of course you can concentrate on crops which flourish under those conditions. That is crops which don't necessarily need so much water anyway. And that may not be the case with the kinds of commodities which are in people's minds at the moment for export to the north.
Dr Martin Wolfe, Elm Farm Research Centre, UK
I think what tends to happen is that the whole debate on GMO has been polarised, but there is a middle ground. There is such a thing as appropriate technology for resource poor farmers which does not necessarily exclude GMO technology. And it is possible for public funded enterprise to access and develop this technology and make it available for the benefit of resource poor communities. So the point would be to produce a genetically engineered product within Africa for African systems.
Dr Ahmed Hassanali, Head, Behavioural and Chemical Ecology, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Chemical Ecology, Kenya
My dream is that we adopt biotechnology, we see it for what it is, and that is the beneficial effects of it, and that we take advantage of that. It's a technological boom that I think will change our agriculture. It's one approach. I'm not saying it's a panacea. It's one approach that I think could change a lot of our approach to increasing productivity, especially in terms of disease control, pest control and other value added aspects of it that we could consider in terms of micro nutrient deficiencies. This is an aspect that biotech could address.
Dr Idah Sithole-Niang, University of Zimbabwe
Can we improve a particular crop so it gets less disease? Can we make it less susceptible to depredation? Can we make it less likely to have fungal infection? The answer in general is, if we think what might be done, we can do it. We can find genes which give that particular crop protection whilst maintaining its palatability and safety for humans. Now, if we can do that, another thing we can do is increase shelf life. If we can do any of those then we are talking about increasing the amount of food available in rural areas.
The problem is that the big companies aren't interested in that because it doesn't necessarily provide them with any income. And their primary responsibility to their shareholders is to make a profit. They've got the genes. The public authorities could get the genes from non-commercial crops from these companies if we could get them to talk to each other. And through public money, aid money we could put these genes into the appropriate crops and provide them to improve food security in these small villages say. That is something that I feel very very strongly about because that's the only way we are going to get enough food to the right people in the right places using this technology. There are other ways, other technologies to use but this is the one that seems to me to be susceptible to real possibility.
Dr Julian Kinderlerer, University of Sheffield, Institute of Biotechnological Law and Ethics
I think this is an area where we must hasten slowly in recommending it for human consumption, until we are able to solve the problems which have been raised by the Medical Council of the United Kingdom, and many other global academies. They all raise important concerns, particularly in terms of food safety and environmental safety.
Therefore enormous, unusual opportunities [with genetic modification]are there, but how to use those opportunities carefully? And we should not put any evidence which says "There is a drawback here", under the carpet. Because you cannot play with human health and human well being. I am particularly confident that in the next five years we will have answers to most of these questions and we will have a kind of technology which is environmentally benign. That is why at this conference I recommended the organisation of a global network for integrated research on organic farming and genetic modification and enhancement.
Prof MS Swaminathan
Plant science is in a really golden age in terms of the insights we are getting into key traits like root growth, leaf development, disease resistance, pest resistance and so on. And we really do want to see this knowledge applied usefully both in the UK and Europe but also in developing country agriculture. Hopefully, in having a meeting like this with many different perspectives, we can find opportunities to build bridges that will enhance our ability to transfer knowledge from our science into useful agricultural development.
I think that we need to examine issues such as genetic diversity and moving away perhaps from monoculture in agricultural systems and there are some interesting ideas there that modern molecular biology can really help in assessing and also implementing.
Dr Chris Lamb, Director, John Innes Centre, Norwich
Monsanto, USAID and other organizations have already started distributing surplus biotechnology (non-critical techniques and knowledge) just as foreign aid programmes were used to distribute surplus US wheat in the 1950s and 1960s. As they did with 'Green Revolution' technologies, the Rockefeller and Ford foundations are financing the development of biotechnology expertise in the network of international agricultural research centres associated with the CGIAR system and in selected developing nations. But such technical 'aid', like the wheat in earlier years, will bind recipients more closely to an expanding global market for these technologies and to a commitment to a particular approach to the production of knowledge.
Jack Kloppenburg and Beth Burrows from Redesigning Life
We live in a world where hunger among the poor increases as agriculture becomes commercialised, even where yields improve. The Green Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s introduced higher-yielding varieties of staple food crops, new tilling methods and increased use of chemical inputs…Farming with fossil fuels, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and scientifically bred seeds has been subsidized and encouraged at the expense of peasant subsistence and local-market based agricultures. These successors of colonialism continue to convert the best land to export agriculture and ranching. They produce cattle and other livestock, grain for processing and animal feed, luxury foods such as coffee and chocolate, fruits for Northern markets, and so on.
Peasants formerly used this land to grow food, fibre, forage, building materials and medicines. They have been moved to marginal land, and have a harder time growing what they need. When they can't make it they end up as squatters on the edges of large cities, or they migrate to work for low wages on bigger farms. It is difficult to make enough money to buy the food that they only recently grew for themselves. The food they can buy is lower in nutrients; it is refined, high in fat, low in vitamins. In study after study of poor children before and after commercialization of agriculture in a region, researchers have found an increase in malnutrition at the very time that overall yields per acre have increased.
Martha L Crouch, from Redesigning Life

Perjuanganmu aku kagumi,
moga semangat dan perjuanganmu
takkan pernah luntur…
Biarpun tsunami datang membadai!
Biarpun nyawa jadi taruhan!
Kerana dirimu adalah penyambung WARISAN,
namamu akan terpahat di hati WARISAN,
generasi kini dan akan datang.
Selagi ada bulan dan matahari
namamu tetap gah!
Perjuanganmu tetap megah!
Karya: Rha NS
Majlis Perkhawinan anak Sthepen Hilom & Irene
Majlis Perkhawinan Anak2 En. Aziz Latif
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Mesyuarat Teknikal Penyelidikan
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
mekar diingatan jasamu pada nusa
Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang lebih menyayatkan
dari melihat bangsaku dijajah.
Tidak ada yang lebih menyedihkan
dari membiarkan bangsaku dihina.
Air mata tiada ertinya
sejarah silam tiada maknanya
sekiranya bangsa tercinta terpinggir
dipersenda dan dilupakan.
Bukan kecil langkah wira bangsa
para pejuang kemerdekaan
bagi menegakkan kemuliaan
dan darjat bangsa
selangkah beerti mara
mengharung sejuta dugaan.
Biarkan bertatih
asalkan langkah itu yakin dan cermat
bagi memastikan negara
merdeka dan bangsa terpelihara
air mata sengsara
mengiringi setiap langkah bapa-bapa kita.
Tugas kita bukan kecil
kerana mengisi kemerdekaan
rupanya lebih sukar dari bermandi
keringat dan darah menuntutnya.
Lagi pula apalah ertinya kemerdekaan
kalau bangsaku asyik mengia dan menidakkan,
mengangguk dan membenarkan,
kerana sekalipun bangganya negara
kerana makmur dan mewahnya,
bangsaku masih melata
dan meminta-minta di negaranya sendiri.
Bukan kecil tugas kita
meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita
kerana rupanya selain memerdekakan,
mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara.
Bangsaku bukan kecil hati dan jiwanya
bukankah sejak zaman berzaman
mereka menjadi pelaut, pengembara
malah penakluk terkemuka?
Bukankah mereka sudah mengembangkan
sayap, menjadi pedagang dan peniaga
selain menjadi ulama dan ilmuan terbilang?
Bukankah bangsaku pernah mengharung
samudera menjajah dunia yang tak dikenal?
Bukankah mereka pernah menjadi
wira serantau yang tidak mengenal erti takut
dan kematian?
Di manakah silapnya hingga bangsaku
berasa begitu kecil dan rendah diri?
Apakah angkara penjajah?
Lalu bangsaku mulai melupakan kegemilangan
silam dan sejarah gemilang membina empayar…
Tugas kita belum selesai rupanya
bagi memartabat dan memuliakan bangsa
kerana hanya bangsa yang berjaya
akan sentiasa dihormati.
Rupanya masih jauh dan berliku jalan kita
bukan sekadar memerdeka dan mengisinya
tetapi mengangkat darjat dan kemuliaan
buat selama-lamanya.
Hari ini, jalan ini pasti semakin berliku
kerana masa depan belum tentu
menjanjikan syurga
bagi mereka yang lemah dan mudah kecewa.
Perjuangan kita belum selesai
kerana hanya yang cekal dan tabah
dapat membina mercu tanda
bangsanya yang berjaya.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Kenangan Terindah



SOM Jamin Kualiti Hasil Pertanian Organik |
Sejak kebelakangan ini, makanan organik semakin mendapat tempat di kalangan masyarakat. Malah, kewujudan iklan-iklan komersial yang mempromosikan pertanian secara organik juga dapat dilihat di kaca televisyen. Boleh dikatakan, pertanian organik menjadi salah satu gaya hidup masyarakat moden hari ini yang amat mementingkan penjagaan kesihatan dan kelestarian alam sekitar. Namun, tahukah kita, apakah pertanian organik? Perladangan organik adalah satu sistem pengeluaran tanaman yang tidak menggunakan bahan kimia sintetik seperti baja kimia sebatian, racun perosak dan hormon penggalak tumbesaran. Perladangan secara organik memberi tumpuan kepada langkah-langkah melindungi alam sekitar dan memelihara kepelbagaian biologi bagi menghasilkan produk yang berkualiti dan selamat. Ia perlu dilaksanakan mengikut standard supaya kualiti pengeluaran produk organik dapat ditingkatkan. Bagi memastikan hasil yang berkualiti, Jabatan Pertanian membangunkan Skim Organik Malaysia (SOM) untuk mengiktiraf ladang-ladang yang diusahakan secara organik berdasarkan kriteria dan keperluan yang ditetapkan dalam Standard SOM. Skim ini memberi tumpuan pada aktiviti pengeluaran dan pengendalian termasuk pembungkusan, penyimpanan, pengangkutan dan jualan produk pertanian organik. Standard ini berpandukan pada Malaysian Standard MS 1529:2001 The Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Plant Based Organically Produced Foods. Sijil SOM akan diberikan kepada ladang-ladang yang berjaya mematuhi semua syarat-syarat pensijilan SOM. Sejak 2003 hingga kini, sebanyak 170 ladang telah mendaftar dalam persijilan ini. Bagaimanapun, hanya 28 ladang organik sahaja yang layak menggunakan label organik di pasaran dengan harga premium. Bagi mengelakkan berlakunya penyalahgunaan label organik, kerajaan melalui Kementerian Kesihatan membuat pindaan kepada Peraturan Makanan 1985 yang diwartakan pada 24 Ogos 2009. Pindaan ini menetapkan produk makanan yang hendak dilabel dengan perkataan organik, biologikal, ekologikal, biodinamik mesti mematuhi keperluan pelabelan dalam Malaysian Standard MS 1529:2001 The Production, Processing, Labelling and Marketing of Plant Based Organically Produced Foods. Ini bermakna, mana-mana produk pertanian yang dilabel organik mesti memperoleh sijil SOM. Peraturan ini berkuat kuasa pada 1 Januari tahun depan. . Dipetik dari: http://www.moa.gov.my/web/guest/pertanian1perniagaan
Pertanian Adalah Perniagaan

Pertanian Adalah Perniagaan |
Dalam Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan (RMK-9) Kerajaan telah menguar-uarkan tentang aspek memperkasakan pertanian baru. Ia bukan sahaja merangkumi aspek pertanian komersial dan bioteknologi, malah turut menekankan aspek pertanian sebagai satu perniagaan. Transformasi ini memerlukan pembudayaan keusahawanan dalam pertanian supaya dapat melahirkan satu generasi usahawan bagi menerajui usaha merevolusikan bidang pengeluaran makanan dalam sektor pertanian. Kerajaan sentiasa berusaha mencari inisiatif baru dalam membangunkan sektor pertanian dan industri berasaskan tani demi memastikan pembangunan bidang terbabit seiring arus transformasinya. Justeru, pembangunan infrastruktur pertanian juga diberi keutamaan bagi memastikan pengusaha dapat memaksimumkan hasil yang diperoleh dan bergerak ke arah menjadi usahawan tani yang berjaya dan profesional. Banyak program dan aktiviti dianjurkan bertujuan melahirkan Usahawan Tani supaya mereka menerajui perancangan untuk mengkomersialkan pengeluaran makanan di dalam sektor pertanian bagi menambah produktiviti dan daya saing dalam dunia perniagaan yang kian kompetitif dan global. Kerajaan mahu supaya golongan petani membuat anjakan paradigma dan menanam dalam minda masing-masing bahawa sektor pertanian harus diuruskan sebagai satu entiti perniagaan. Sesungguhnya, masih belum terlambat untuk anda menceburkan diri dalam bidang yang dianggap satu kaedah menjana pendapatan lumayan. Jadi, apa tunggu lagi. Rebutlah peluang keemasan ini! dipetik dari: |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Kau Pergi Jua

Kau Pergi Jua
Wajahmu... seindah serinya pelangi yang indah
Seharum mawar putih segar berkembang
Wajahmu mengapa sering terbayang di mataku
Sehingga terbawa di dalam mimpiku
Tahukah kau di dalam hatiku ini
Tersimpan perasaan cinta yang suci
Kau bunga ingin kusunting mu menjadi milikku
Lantas kuabadikan dalam jiwaku
Sayangnya... harapan yang selama ini kubawa
Hancur berkecai musnah jua akhirnya
Semuanya bagaikan sebuah mimpi
Oh... Kau pergi jua
Setelah cintaku kini membara
Belum sempat kucurahkah kasihku
Kau pergi tak kembali
Ingin kusunting mu menjadi milikku
Lantas kuabadikan dalam jiwaku
Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Cation-Exchange Capacity (CEC)
Cation-exchange capacity is defined as the degree to which a soil can adsorb and exchange cations.
Cation-a positively charged ion (NH4+, K+, Ca2+, Fe2+, etc...)
Anion-a negatively charged ion (NO3-, PO42-, SO42-, etc...)
Soil particles and organic matter have negative charges on their surfaces. Mineral cations can adsorb to the negative surface charges or the inorganic and organic soil particles. Once adsorbed, these minerals are not easily lost when the soil is leached by water and they also provide a nutrient reserve available to plant roots.
These minerals can then be replaced or exchanged by other cations (i.e., cation exchange)
CEC is highly dependent upon soil texture and organic matter content. In general, the more clay and organic matter in the soil, the higher the CEC. Clay content is important because these small particles have a high ration of surface area to volume. Different types of clays also vary in CEC. Smectites have the highest CEC (80-100 millequivalents 100 g-1), followed by illites (15-40 meq 100 g-1) and kaolinites (3-15 meq 100 g-1).
Examples of CEC values for different soil textures are as follows:
Soil texture | CEC (meq/100g soi) |
Sands (light-colored) | 3-5 |
Sands (dark-colored) | 10-20 |
Loams | 10-15 |
Silt loams | 15-25 |
Clay and clay loams | 20-50 |
Organic soils | 50-100 |
In general, the CEC of most soils increases with an increase in soil pH.
Two factors determine the relative proportions of the different cations adsorbed by clays. First, cations are not held equally tight by the soil colloids. When the cations are present in equivalent amounts, the order of strength of adsorption is Al3+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ = NH4+ > Na+.
Second, the relative concentrations of the cations in soil solution helps determine the degree of adsorption. Very acid soils will have high concentrations of H+ and Al3+. In neutral to moderately alkaline soils, Ca2+ and Mg2+ dominate. Poorly drained arid soils may adsorb Na in very high quantities.
Base Saturation
The proportion of CEC satisfied by basic cations (Ca, Mg, K, and Na) is termed percentage base saturation (BS%). This property is inversely related to soil acidity. As the BS% increases, the pH increases. High base saturation is preferred but not essential for tree fruit production. The availability of nutrient cations such as Ca, Mg, and K to plants increases with increasing BS%.
Base saturation is usually close to 100% in arid region soils. Base saturation below 100% indicates that part of the CEC is occupied by hydrogen and/or aluminum ions. Base saturation above 100% indicates that soluble salts or lime may be present, or that there is a procedural problem with the analysis.
CEC and Availability of Nutrients
Exchangeable cations, as mentioned above, may become available to plants. Plant roots also possess cation exchange capacity. Hydrogen ions from the root hairs and microorganisms may replace nutrient cations from the exchange complex on soil colloids. The nutrient cations are then released into the soil solution where they can be taken up by the adsorptive surfaces of roots and soil organisms. They may however, be lost from the system by drainage water.
Additionally, high levels of one nutrient may influence uptake of another (antagonistic relationship). For example, K uptake by plants is limited by high levels of Ca in some soils. High levels of K can in turn, limit Mg uptake even if Mg levels in soil are high.
Anion Exchange
In contrast to CEC, AEC is the degree to which a soil can adsorb and exchange anions. AEC increases as soil pH decreases. The pH of most productive soils in the US and Canada is usually too high (exceptions are for volcanic soils) for full development of AEC and thus it generally plays a minor role in supplying plants with anions.
Because the AEC of most agricultural soils is small compared to their CEC, mineral anions such as nitrate (NO3- and Cl-) are repelled by the negative charge on soil colloids. These ions remain mobile in the soil solution and thus are susceptible to leaching.
Soil forming factors
Soil formation, or pedogenesis, is the combined effect of physical, chemical, biological, and anthropogenic processes on soil parent material. Soil genesis involves processes that develop layers or horizons in the soil profile. These processes involve additions, losses, transformations and translocations of material that compose the soil. Minerals derived from weathered rocks undergo changes that cause the formation of secondary minerals and other compounds that are variably soluble in water, these constituents are moved (translocated) from one area of the soil to other areas by water and animal activity. The alteration and movement of materials within soil causes the formation of distinctive soil horizons.
The weathering of bedrock produces the parent material from which soils form. An example of soil development from bare rock occurs on recent lava flows in warm regions under heavy and very frequent rainfall. In such climates, plants become established very quickly on basalticlava, even though there is very little organic material. The plants are supported by the porous rock as it is filled with nutrient-bearing water which carries, for example, dissolved minerals and guano. The developing plant roots, themselves or associated with mycorrhizal fungi,[9]gradually break up the porous lava and organic matter soon accumulates.
But even before it does, the predominantly porous broken lava in which the plant roots grow can be considered a soil. How the soil "life" cycle proceeds is influenced by at least five classic soil forming factors that are dynamically intertwined in shaping the way soil is developed, they include: parent material, regional climate, topography, biotic potential and the passage of time.[10]
[edit]Parent material
The material from which soil forms is called parent material. It includes: weathered primary bedrock; secondary material transported from other locations, e.g. colluvium and alluvium; deposits that are already present but mixed or altered in other ways - old soil formations, organic material including peat or alpine humus; and anthropogenic materials, like landfill or mine waste.[11] Few soils form directly from the breakdown of the underlying rocks they develop on. These soils are often called “residual soils”, and have the same general chemistry as their parent rocks. Most soils derive from materials that have been transported from other locations by wind, water and gravity.[12] Some of these materials may have moved many miles or only a few feet. Windblown material called loess is common in the Midwest of North America and in CentralAsia and other locations. Glacial till is a component of many soils in the northern and southern latitudes and those formed near large mountains; till is the product of glacial ice moving over the ground. The ice can break rock and larger stones into smaller pieces, it also can sort material into different sizes. As glacial ice melts, the melt water also moves and sorts material, and deposits it varying distances from its origin. The deeper sections of the soil profile may have materials that are relatively unchanged from when they were deposited by water, ice or wind.
Weathering is the first stage in the transforming of parent material into soil material. In soils forming from bedrock, a thick layer of weathered material called saprolite may form. Saprolite is the result of weathering processes that include: hydrolysis (the replacement of a mineral’s cations with hydrogen ions), chelation from organic compounds, hydration (the absorption of water by minerals), solution of minerals by water, and physical processes that include freezing and thawing or wetting and drying.[11] The mineralogical and chemical composition of the primary bedrock material, plus physical features, including grain size and degree of consolidation, plus the rate and type of weathering, transforms it into different soil materials.
Soil formation greatly depends on the climate, and soils from different climate zones show distinctive characteristics.[13] Temperature and moisture affect weathering and leaching. Wind moves sand and other particles, especially in arid regions where there is little plant cover. The type and amount of precipitation influence soil formation by affecting the movement of ions and particles through the soil, aiding in the development of different soil profiles. Seasonal and daily temperature fluctuations affect the effectiveness of water in weathering parent rock material and affect soil dynamics. The cycle of freezing and thawing is an effective mechanism to break up rocks and other consolidated materials. Temperature and precipitation rates affect biological activity, rates of chemical reactions and types of vegetation cover.
[edit]Biological factors
Plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and humans affect soil formation (see soil biomantle and stonelayer). Animals and micro-organisms mix soils to form burrows and pores allowing moisture and gases to seep into deeper layers. In the same way, plant roots open channels in the soils, especially plants with deep taproots which can penetrate many meters through the different soil layers to bring up nutrients from deeper in the soil. Plants with fibrous roots that spread out near the soil surface, have roots that are easily decomposed, adding organic matter. Micro-organisms, including fungi and bacteria, affect chemical exchanges between roots and soil and act as a reserve of nutrients. Humans can impact soil formation by removing vegetation cover; this removal promotes erosion. They can also mix the different soil layers, restarting the soil formation process as less-weathered material is mixed with and diluting the more developed upper layers. Some soils may contain up to one million species of microbes per gram, most of those species being unknown, making soil the most abundant ecosystemon Earth.[14]
Vegetation impacts soils in numerous ways. It can prevent erosion caused by the impact of rain or surface runoff. Plants shade soils, keeping them cooler and slowing evaporation of soil moisture, or plants by way of transpiration can cause soils to lose moisture. Plants can form new chemicals which can break down or build up soil particles. The type and amount of vegetation depends on climate, land form topography, soil characteristics, and biological factors. Soil factors such as density, depth, chemistry, pH, temperature and moisture greatly affect the type of plants that can grow in a given location. Dead plants and dropped leaves and stems fall to the surface of the soil and decompose. There, organisms feed on them and mix the organic material with the upper soil layers; these added organic compounds become part of the soil formation process.
Time is a factor in the interactions of all the above factors as they develop soil. Over time, soils evolve features dependent on the other forming factors, and soil formation is a time-responsive process dependent on how the other factors interplay with each other. Soil is always changing.It takes about 800 to 1000 years for a 2.5 cm thick layer of fertile soil to be formed in nature. For example, recently-deposited material from a flood exhibits no soil development because there has not been enough time for soil-forming activities. The soil surface is buried, and the formation process begins again for this soil. The long periods over which change occurs and its multiple influences mean that simple soils are rare, resulting in the formation of soil horizons. While soil can achieve relative stability in properties for extended periods, the soil life cycle ultimately ends in soil conditions that leave it vulnerable to erosion. Despite the inevitability of soil retrogression and degradation, most soil cycles are long and productive.
Soil-forming factors continue to affect soils during their existence, even on “stable” landscapes that are long-enduring, some for millions of years. Materials are deposited on top and materials are blown or washed away from the surface. With additions, removals and alterations, soils are always subject to new conditions. Whether these are slow or rapid changes depend on climate, landscape position and biological activity.